Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bring Biebs to your next mani/pedi...

Wondering what Biebs has been up to lately?

Bet you'll never guess what his newest project is. No seriously, I don't think anybody saw this coming.
Justin Bieber has decided to launch his own nail polish line. Yep. But not just any nail polish line, a line of glittery nail polish. He's decided to name the line "One Less Lonely Girl" (because nail polish totally cures the blues) and it will be just another addition to the cute little empire he's building at 16. Yes, 16. I was stoked to have a minimum wage job at 16...this kid is making me feel lazy. And I don't like it.

Biebs, if you're reading this, you should probably let me in on this little thing called your life.

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